12 Gauge - 3-1/2" 2-1/2oz. #7/9 Shot - Federal Heavyweight TSS - 5 Rounds
Submitted 5 years 9 months ago by Billet.
This 12 Gauge shotshell by Federal packs a whopping 2 1/2 ounces of shot. It doesn’t owe this feat just to its long length -- its Heavyweight TSS shot is made from a tungsten alloy that’s 56 percent denser than lead, and 22 percent denser than pure tungsten for that matter. The heavy shot’s great density lets it maintain its velocity over long distances, so it packs a veritable wallop on impact. Unless you encounter a turkey driving an APC, this shell has the punch you need to take down any bird with ease.
This shell’s combination of #7 and #9 shot pellets makes it nicely versatile, so you’ll be equipped to bag gobblers that are both relatively nearby and far away. Its rear-braking FliteControl Flex wad delivers a tight and consistent pattern, and further serves to protect your shotgun’s bore from becoming marred by such hard shot.
You can take even more satisfaction from firing this turkey load with the knowledge that some of the money you paid for it will have been donated by Federal to the National Wild Turkey Federation -- as the result you might actually increase the turkey population instead of subtracting from it!
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